Kindness. It Still Exists.I’ve been working as an instructional assistant for the special education department at a local high school since August and although we…Feb 4, 2020Feb 4, 2020
Watching Trees GrowLife and relationships are really quite similar, both equally tough, no doubt. I relate them to the trees of the earth. Life is best when…Apr 30, 2019Apr 30, 2019
Notes to a Dear FriendSo…although this current situation may suck for you, clearly that person is not worthy of your time and space. Cutting our emotions off is…Apr 30, 2019Apr 30, 2019
OvernightIt is true, that nothing happens overnight, yet even through the days, weeks, or years why is it that we choose to do nothing? We lean to…Apr 30, 2019Apr 30, 2019
Take it or Leave itWriting, reflecting, expressing, it’s all the same. I am conveying emotions and experiences that could very well relate to many, one or…Apr 30, 2019Apr 30, 2019
Good MorningYou are beautiful inside and out. Your love is radiant and it speaks to my soul. Our connection is one of a kind, unique and cannot be…Apr 30, 2019Apr 30, 2019
OpenLife is not what you make it, it is what you embody, the blood flowing through your veins is a constant reminder that we should never be…Apr 30, 2019Apr 30, 2019
FollowOn rare occasions in our lives we come across people that have an unexplainable aura that surrounds them. It’s intriguing, you are curious…Apr 30, 2019Apr 30, 2019